CA Resources


Lists are used to group items in a list of items.


  1. HTML Lists
  2. Unordered Lists
  3. Ordered Lists
  4. CSS Lists Properties
  5. start attribute
  6. Description Lists


There are 2 kinds of lists in HTML: unordered or bulleted lists and ordered or numbered lists.

An unordered list contains a list of items that don’t need to be in a particular order.

The <ul> and </ul> tags are used to create unordered or bulleted lists.

Items in the lists are added by using the <li> and </li> tags.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Lists</title>
    <h1>Most Popular Web Browsers</h1>
      <li>Mozilla Firefox</li>
      <li>Google Chrome</li>
      <li>Opera Browser</li>
      <li>Microsoft Edge</li>
      <li>Safari Browser</li>

CSS Lists Properties

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